Chi Alpha Winter Conference Notes

Friday, 1-15-10 Winston Bui

Heb 11:21 Jacob leaning on his staff
Staff – carved designs on for specific events to be remembered; OT, staff represents your life

Ex. 3 Moses
Ex. 4:2 Moses, lay down your life (staff)
What’s in your hand?
Lay down your life.

1 Sam. 17:40 David & Goliath
Ps. 23:4 Your rod and your staff comfort me

1-16-10 AM Char Blair

Who will take your trash?
-Remove the mask and reveal what’s underneath –> to see the real you

1. Be honest with God about what or whom you worship.
Ps. 115:8

2. Be honest with yourself about your weakness(es)
– In all of your realness, be RIGHT.
– You are NOT above the rules.
* Identify with the sick only long enough to get well.
– The very thing that makes me vulnerable to sin is the same thing that gets God to “slows down” and see in order to save you.
2 Cor. 12:7-10 Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness
– He’d rather have you messy than not at all.

3. Be honest with others about who and where you are
– Rule of truth – no one has the right to tell someone else “the truth” until they have spent time, energy, and focus to learn the truth about themselves.
– The power of being in touch with your weakness
–> we all struggle and need a Savior
–> in society, health = absence of pain
–> in Kingdom of God, everything’s different – opposite – painful process toward health

1-16-10 PM Winston Bui
Is. 38:18
– Hezekiah doesn’t want to die.
–> Hezekiah was willing to praise God, so God added 15 more years to his life

2 Chron. 20 Jehosaphat – as people began to sing praises to their God, …
– He will fight your battle b/c battle is His
– Praise will make God fight your battle

Acts 15:25 Paul & Silas – prison praise
– Death is gateway into presence of God

1-17-10 AM Char Blair
-Life doesn’t turn out the way you think it will
Lk. 9:57-62 If you follow me, I am homeless
– Terrain is uncertain – requires all strength
– Flexibility – having ability to bend w/o breaking
Wannabe disciples:
1. Over eager –> ask before being asked to follow
2. Wait a year first
3. Bid farewell to family first
– Can’t plow a straight line if you keep looking back
– Following Christ takes our undivided attention – not on again, off again relationship
* In every Christian’s heart, there’s a cross and a throne
– You can bend or be bent
– e.g. Palm Tree
– Our job is to go deep; God’s job is to go wide.
– Palm tree is extremely flexible – cut it but can’t kill it

– God doesn’t need me but He wants me involved.
– Sitting at His feet –> true satisfaction –> being content with my portion
– Being a servant is hardest and most fulfilling job in my life
– One person can change the season in your life.
– When you set aside dreams and visions to serve someone else, your dreams come true too.
– Faithfulness –> God has called me to be faithful – Mother Teresa
– In mundane moments, miracles can happen.
– Death of my desires brings about His desires.
–> Never settle for less than His desires.
–> Reversible death vs. Irreversible death – I’m really good at giving CPR to my flesh
– What is your Italy?

Jn 12:25 Lose your life


1-18-10 AM Char Blair
Jer. 31:3 Everlasting love
The gift is always greater than the individual

Spiritual abuse:
– God’s love and favor depend on my behavior
– God’s too big to care about me
– A strong faith will keep me from pain

Having a hard time with church –> separated from Bride
– Must be committed to the Bride
– The higher the commitment, the lower the attraction
– I love the Bride b/c Christ loves her

Ez. 16:8-14
The Bride keeps me accountable
Accountability = offering up info before it’s required of you
– We need to be pushed. There will be things in your life that you’ll never do unless you are pushed.
– Bride makes me a better person – give and take
– Feed others while being fed
– Helps make mature believers
– Guarding my heart while opening my arms
– When people get together, God shows up.

Letting Go

I think it’s amazing how caught up we can get on the performance aspect of worship when it’s not about anyone else but Him. There are obviously ways to facilitate a great worship set but that’s not the point. God is the audience of One we worship – not performing for a group of people. Ultimately, He is the One that we ask, “Did You like that?” He specifically told me, “Wait a sec, who is the One you are worshiping?” when I was asking people for feedback on worship. It’s always important to realize that God is the One who’s opinion matters the most. Feedback is always appreciated but in the end, God is the One who makes everything the way it needs to be, including my worship. He is the One forming me into the person He’s called me to be – every experience, every thought, every conversation, etc. He is molding and shaping me because I am definitely not perfect YET.

Lord Jesus
I let go of all of my wants and needs
You are what I want and need more than anything else
I just want to please Your heart
Bring a smile to Your face
Love You for You

DCF Fall Retreat 2009

So I’m back from retreat exhausted but pleasantly surprised that I’m peaceful despite the looming midterm on Tuesday afternoon. I can’t believe how much God can do in 1.5 days. He truly is faithful and meets us where we’re at. I made new friends this week and got closer to older friends. God has a way of transforming lives at retreats.

First off. I left later than everyone else because I was picking up some newcomers that didn’t have rides but I had to leave 2 hours later. I was not happy at first but then I got to go home and take a nap, so it worked out. I felt the enemy trying to ruin my retreat from the very start. When we arrived, all of the dorm beds were taken so I had to drive down the hill to the cabins but then I liked the cabins better because it smelled weird in the dorms.

God spoke to me during Saturday night worship about giving it all, which included my false humility. I try to let others lead and be the front person, but God has called me to be a leader this school year – to step up and take that leadership position He has for me. This can be really unsettling and/or really scary because I don’t always feel qualified to step up, but God is calling me higher. He is wanting to put me on display and I can’t shy away from the light.

Through Jeremy Anderson’s message on Saturday night, I was encouraged to step out more in evangelism – talking about Him in my everyday conversation. More fears and doubts were being handed over to God. I got to pray with some other people and I definitely felt God’s presence working.

The testimonies from this week are so amazing, so God. I’m so grateful to God for all He’s done and all He’s doing. I got to lead worship with Zach this morning it was good. We didn’t have a lot of practice time, but God’s presence was there because people were hungry and seeking after His presence.