China Project Update

Greetings (Ni hao)!

Thank you so much for supporting me on my trip. I had such a wonderful time. First off, I was NOT quarantined! Yay God! God protected me and kept me safe and healthy. He is so good to me. Thank you for all of your prayers. No one in the group got quarantined. I had no trouble with my flights getting to China. God truly was merciful to me in that area.

I felt so privileged to work with all of the people I came in contact with. God truly knows what He’s doing. In the beginning of the trip, I was a little apprehensive about not knowing anyone on the trip, but I met some amazing men and women of God. I quickly became friends with the whole group, making some lifelong friends.

The first few days in Chengdu were spent preparing and buying supplies for the camp. When we arrived at the resort where the camp was located, we discovered that God had changed the plans. Instead of teaching and interacting with high schoolers, we received primary and middle school students ages 9-15. We were very surprised and had to tweak the lesson plans, but we worked through it. Some of the students had a limited amount of English, so we combined the age groups to have the older students help the younger students, which was very foreign to them. I love working with kids and was excited to work with younger students.

I saw firsthand the impact a teacher can have on these students. Many of these students (if not all) have never received the affirmation and affection we provided as teachers. We loved the kids and gave hugs in order to share the love of Christ. We encouraged them and had fun doing crafts and sports with them. It was such a privilege to get to interact with these amazing children. God revealed to me how much He loved them – more than I could ever love them. He showed me that He is slowly but surely causing life to arise from the death and ashes that the earthquake caused. China is slowly being restored to God, but it is on God’s timetable. He is still sovereign.

I truly believe I will see some of these kids again. I intend to return someday; I’d plan to go back next summer, but I’m not sure what I’ll be doing quite yet in school. However, I’ve made contacts that I will keep in touch with in China and they always need someone to help out. (Any volunteers?)

Thank you for your financial support and prayers. I was able to bless the missionary and her earthquake relief fund because I received more support than was required for the trip. I could not have done half of what I did without your help. You are so precious to me. Your heart for missions is evident by the love offerings that you poured out for me. It is such a privilege to serve God in whatever way I can. I’ve learned the impact that a single act of love can do. These kids will never be the same because they’ve been touched by the love of God.

Getting Back in the Saddle

I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed playing on a worship team. It’s always an experience! I’m fascinated by the dynamics of each team which are different. I believe that everyone has a different way that they express worship to God. We need each other’s expression and when we come together to worship, watch out! I got to play with DCF in the large group and in my core group. I just recently played for Davis Christian Assembly, which was a whole other experience.

The way each person worships is unique. And God is forever faithful to show up when we make room for Him to move.

Recently, I had a vision of how much God the Father loves us. I saw this young boy who was dirty from playtime (as boys seem to be). He runs up to his father who has open arms. The father doesn’t tell the son to clean up first. He doesn’t shrink away from his son. The father welcomes the son’s hugs and the son just wants to tell his father about his day. God the Father wants to welcome us into His arms, but many times we feel we are too dirty and must be perfect and holy before we can embrace Him. God the Father loves us – He is not going to turn away from us. Jesus’ blood cleanses us – not us – not me!

You took all my hurt
You took all my pain
You washed it all away
You took all my guilt
You took all my shame
You washed it all away

By Your blood
By the blood of the Lamb

You washed it all away

Now I’m free to know this joy
Now I’m free to know this love
Now I’m free, I’m free

Making Decisions

I know that it’s in my nature to be indecisive, so I try to put things on the back burner and just sorta hide them away from my subconscious mind. I had to make a decision that I’ve been putting off because I didn’t want to upset anyone and didn’t want to limit myself. I don’t know if that’s the right thing to call it, but I’ve decided on which Christian fellowship I’m going to be a part of. I’m gonna stay with Davis Christian Fellowship, part of Chi Alpha. I have one last InterVarsity meeting and Bible study, then I’ll be going to DCF full time. It’s bittersweet, but I know that God will honor my choice. He didn’t care which one I chose, but He wanted me to choose one. I needed to make a decision. Making decisions is hard. It’s a part of growing up that I can’t seem to get a hang of. I always find myself not knowing what to choose.

However, I am glad that I have the choice. God gives us free will. We were not created as robots, who just do what we’re told or made to do. God loves us so much that He gives us a CHOICE. We get to decide who we will live our lives for. I can’t explain how awesome this is. His amazing love overwhelms me.

Although making choices is difficult, the more important thing is living with the consequences of your actions.