Normal Christian Life

The World Missions Summit 2

Well, I know it’s a little late to be writing this but I just need to dive in anyway. I think one of the most impacting things was seeing 3700 students on fire for Jesus with His heart for missions. That was definitely a sight to see – to know that there are others living radical Christian lives who are college students like me. I know I’m not alone, but it’s still nice to be encouraged from across the country. BTW the Cincinnati airport is actually in Kentucky so I’ve now been to Ohio and Kentucky. 😉

I was really encouraged and challenged by the different messages and loved the windows to the world and different breakouts. I loved interacting with missionaries on a one-to-one basis during the meal times. I learned a lot and I found new friends. I really liked the international choir because they sang songs in different languages which is one thing that I really enjoy. God speaks every language – His love is the universal language and His presence is the same wherever you go.

I already know that I’m called to China but seeing all of the different countries and the need makes me what to go everywhere. I know that just because I see a need, doesn’t mean I have to fill it, but I would love to travel all over before I’m dead.

I committed to serve at least one year and intend to fulfill that commitment. I plan to teach in China this summer if everything works out which would be really cool and really God. 😉

I’m definitely excited about all God is doing and I can’t wait to see all that He has done in me – most of the time you can’t see what He’s doing deep inside.

I guess that’s it for now. It was an amazing experience. Yay God!

Lord, I want to serve You in anyway that I can.
Take away any fear because that’s not from You.
Take me in Your arms.
I just want to be with You.
I want my life to be a testimony of Your LOVE and GRACE.
Let me be a LIGHT.