Book Reviews

Book Review: Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow

Through My Eyes
by Tim Tebow with Nathan Whitaker
Rating: 5/5
(Published 2011)
HarperCollins – Biography

Tim Tebow was almost never born. A doctor advised his pregnant mother to abort the baby, but she refused and the rest is history.

Tim grew up in a large family, homeschooled by his mother, heavily involved in sports, and raised to believe and trust in God. He had a seemingly picturesque childhood which laid the foundation for an incredibly strong man of God who always pushed himself to be the best he could be. This is his journey  of growing up and attending college at University of Florida. His many admirable accomplishments on and off the field are chronicled in a detailed account that any sports fan will enjoy.

Not being the most avid football fan, especially college football fan, I approached this book with curiosity. Having just finished reading about Olympic gold medalist platform diver, David Boudia, I was curious to see how well written this biography was. I was very impressed with the detailed writing. I felt this book was written and flowed better than David Boudia’s book. Tim’s story was quite charming to read but some of the football lingo was a bit lost on me (he tried to insert explanations but the visual learner in me was still a little confused). I’m not sure I will ever understand everything about football but you can tell that Tebow is incredibly passionate about the sport – basically lived and breathed football.

Since I’m not the biggest fan of football, why did I pick up this book to read? Actually, why did I request this book for a Christmas gift? I admire his passionate faith. As a Christian and someone who fell in love with the Philippines on a short term missions trip, I can relate to Tebow’s life in some ways. His passion to do everything for the Lord and be a good example is inspiring. He constantly pushed himself to do and be better – not for selfish gain, but in order to honor and give glory to God. How can I not admire his determination and fortitude to stand for morality and not back down when confronted? He is truly an amazing example of what God can do with someone willing to be a chosen vessel? Throughout this story, Tebow weaves in his relationship with God and is very transparent about his feelings. He shows great depth and courage and the reader can’t help but to support him on his journey. He continues to pursue his dreams and honor God in the process.

I highly enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend it, especially if you are a college football fan.

I also just saw that Tebow has another book coming out soon, Shaken (Amazon link), coming out in October 2016, and can’t wait to read it.

Note: As someone who is currently pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor, Tebow’s story encouraged me to press on and never give up. I want to continue to honor God in everything that I do.

Book Review: No Way Up by Mary Connealy


No Way Up
by Mary Connealy
Rating: 5/5
Book 1 of the Cimarron Legacy
Bethany House – Fiction | Historical Romance

Chance Boden is determined to continue the Cimarron legacy that his father-in-law entrusted to him all those years ago and rewrites his will to ensure that his children obey his wishes. When Chance gets injured during an avalanche, hired hand Heath Kincaid saves his life and rushes to help his boss in any way that he can. Since he is badly hurt, Chance has his new will read which says all three of his children must live and work at the Cimarron ranch for one year or else the ranch will go to their disliked cousin Mike.

While investigating the avalanche, Heath discovers that what happened was on purpose and not an accident. Heath enlists Justin, Sadie and Cole’s help to investigate what really happened and find out why strange things are happening around the ranch. Heath especially needs the beautiful Sadie’s help and soon finds himself unable to dream of life without her. Can they find out what really happened and who is behind this? Will Heath ever be good enough for the lovely Sadie?

As a huge fan of Mary Connealy and having read her prequel, The Boden Birthright, to the Cimarron Legacy series, I was excited to read this new installment. I enjoyed following the investigation of the attempted murder of Chance Boden and was definitely involved in the story so much that I didn’t want to put the book down. The dynamics of Justin, Sadie, and Cole’s relationship was very interesting and I look forward to the next books in the series.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys historical romance with some intrigue.

I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Book Review: Greater Than Gold by David Boudia


Greater Than Gold: From Olympic Heartbreak to Ultimate Redemption
by David Boudia, Tim Ellsworth
Rating: 4.5/5
Thomas Nelson – Biographies & Memoirs | Sports & Outdoors

At the London 2012 Olympic Games, David Boudia won a gold medal in the 10 meter platform diving competition which changed his life, but real change came years before after miserably failing at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

David chronicles his journey and motivations for pursuing elite diving and the internal struggles that constantly berate him. He shares story after story of his inadequacies and how he dealt (or didn’t deal) with them. He really puts the reader inside his head and heart and all that entails when it comes to competitive diving and his life outside of diving.

David Boudia tells his story of transformation and hope with a very honest voice that really spoke to me as a reader and a woman of faith. Since I don’t usually review biographies, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I’ve missed reading them. I love to read the stories of struggle and triumph that many people can relate to. I was encouraged by his sincere words of frustration and despair. I think everyone can relate to failing at something or judging yourself only by looking at your results. Honestly, I was a bit surprised by the style of writing after only reading fiction for some time, but I loved how authentic and conversational the writing was. I came away from the book feeling encouraged and hopeful, which was a pleasant surprise. I loved the way he kept turning the conversation back to God and how he still struggles even after doing what he set out to do. The way his priorities and outlook change are so relatable and real.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to get inside the head of a transformed life that became an Olympic champion.

I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Side note: After following the Olympic Trials this year (2016), I was instantly intrigued by David Boudia and his story. On TV, I saw him praying with his coach and was encouraged to see a Christian athlete sharing his faith. When I was looking at books to review on NetGalley, I saw that his book was available and jumped at the chance to read about his journey. I’ve been rooting for him and Steele Johnson (they earned silver in the 10M Synchro Diving event) – Go Team USA!