Book Review: Surprised by Love by Julie Lessman

Surprised by Love
by Julie Lessman
Rating: 5/5
The Heart of San Francisco Book #3
Revell – Fiction/Historical Romance

Megan McClare is back in San Francisco after spending her senior year in Paris and has emerged as a young woman who feels less like the shy and awkward child she was. Ever since she was little, she has turned to her best friend, Abraham “Bram” Hughes, for his brotherly support and counsel when she was unrelentingly teased by her nemesis and childhood crush, Devin Caldwell.

Meg is excited to start an internship in the district attorney’s office for the summer in an effort to decide if she wants to pursue law (like most of the men in her family) or medicine (which she got a taste of from her mentor in Paris). Whichever profession she chooses, she wants to defend and help the unfortunate women enslaved in brothels. When Devin shows up as another intern at the D.A.’s office, Bram advises Meg to forgive Devin and give him a second chance. However, Bram realizes that he is attracted to Meg but unable to act on his feelings. Ten years her senior, can Bram shut off his stronger feelings for Meg and only see her as his kid sister? Will Meg be able to trust Devin with her heart or do her feelings for Bram still have a hold on her?

Julie Lessman is such an amazing author and storyteller! I’ve read a few of her other stories and I can never put her books down. From the start, the story is captivating and written so the reader doesn’t want to stop reading. Even though I haven’t read the first two books in the series, I did not feel confused or need to somehow “catch up” because her writing and explanations are just that good. She always has some twists in the plot that keep things interesting. It is a little like a soap opera but in a good way – the drama is so heartfelt and authentic. There’s also another love story woven into the book that is just as interesting – one might say this is a story with two love triangles (not just one). I also love all of the scriptures and biblical messages of forgiveness and redemption. The characters are real with fears and faults but also have their moments encountering God’s grace and restoration.

Seriously, readers will not want to miss this one. I recommend this book for anyone who loves romance, especially historical romance. There were little bits and pieces of information that made the story so authentic — I could tell the research that went into the story to get those little details just right. I now must read the other books in this series.

I received this book for free from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for a review.
