Book Reviews

Book Review: Stranded by Dani Pettrey Rating: 4.5/5

As much as I love going to the library in my hometown, it usually lacks the Christian fiction that I love to read. But when I was browsing the “New Books” section, I came across a book cover that looked like a Christian book. I don’t know what to say except that I can recognize certain book covers as a Christian book. It’s a gift. I know, right? Having never heard of the author, I read the back of the book for a teaser. I saw a review by Dee Henderson, who is one of my favorite authors, and decided to give it a try. I was a little hesitant to read the book since it was the third book in the Alaskan Courage series, but my risk paid off with an exciting story that I can’t wait to read more of.

A former undercover investigative reporter, Darcy St. James, is pulled back into the secretive and complicated life she left behind when her old college roommate and colleague, Abby, asks for her help in her latest investigation involving an Alaskan cruise liner and its excursions. However, after Darcy arrives posing as an adventure journalist, she discovers her good friend missing. Is it a coincidence that someone had fallen overboard the same night that Abby went missing? Darcy is determined to find her friend by befriending any of the crew who will help her out. Can she find out what had Abby so frightened? Who can she trust?

Meet Gage McKenna. He volunteered to be the on deck activities coordinator representing his family’s outdoor adventure company. He leads the excursions and has the clients’ lives in in his capable hands. Having met Darcy (in the previous book #2), Gage and Darcy have an interesting history and sizzling chemistry, but after 5 months of radio silence, can they pick up where they left off? Is Gage the only person on board who Darcy can trust, or will he blow her cover? Gage cannot stand the fact that Darcy has returned to subterfuge. He hates  her job and all the lies, but he can’t seem to get her out from under his skin. His need to protect and watch over her could get them both into trouble, as well as endanger his family and the other clients. Will they be able to set aside their differences and discover the awful truth – what Abby was investigating? Can Gage let go of his bitterness and turn to the One who forgives and gives life?

I thoroughly enjoyed this exciting mystery thriller. It has everything a girl could want – adventure, mystery, suspense, and romance. I really enjoyed getting to know the characters and their thought processes. They weren’t perfect; they had doubts and struggles. They were real and identifiable. Getting to know the McKenna family made me want to read the previous books in the series. Pettrey also set up the main characters for her next  book, Silenced, and now I need to read that one too but it doesn’t come out till May 2014. From my brief look into the author, this is only her first series and third book and I’m super impressed. She has a gift.

I rated the book a 4.5 of out 5 because as much as I enjoyed the book, I was still able to put it down in the beginning. The beginning hooks the reader but it wasn’t quite enough for me to stop everything and finish the book right away. There’s a beautiful thread of God’s love and forgiveness that’s woven throughout the book without getting too preachy. I definitely recommend this book because it has something for everyone.

Read the first chapter of Critical Condition

So I just received Dr. Richard L. Mabry’s email newsletter, which contained the first chapter of his new book, Critical Condition. The release date is April 15th and I already can’t wait. It’s that good.

I have a soft spot for medical suspense since I’m currently studying for the MCAT and want to be a doctor. Mabry definitely knows how to grab your attention and make you feel like you’re right there with his characters.

If you’d like to read the sneak peak and/or sign up for his email newsletter, click here.


From Amazon:

Product Description
Dr. Frasier couldn’t save the gunshot victim on her front lawn. Now she’s fighting for her own life.

It began as a quiet dinner party honoring Dr. Shannon Frasier’s colleague, but became a nightmare when a man was shot on her lawn, reviving emotions from a similar episode a decade ago. Then a midnight call from her sister, Megan, causes Shannon to fear that her sister is on drugs again.

Her “almost-fiancé” Dr. Mark Gilbert’s support only adds to Shannon’s feelings of guilt, since she can’t bring herself to fully commit to him. She turns for help to her pastor-father, only to learn that he’s just been diagnosed with leukemia.

Shannon thought it couldn’t get any worse. Then the late-night, threatening phone calls begin, the rough voice asking, “What did he say before he died?”

With everything around her in a critical state, simply staying alive will require all the resources and focus Shannon has.

About the Author
A retired physician, Dr. Richard Mabry is the author of four critically acclaimed novels of medical suspense. His previous works have been finalists for the Carol Award and Romantic Times Reader’s Choice Award, and have won the Selah Award. He is a past Vice-President of American Christian Fiction Writers and a member of the International Thriller Writers. He and his wife live in North Texas.

Book Review: The Path to Piney Meadows by Gail Sattler Rating: 3.5/5

The Path to Piney Meadows by Gail Sattler.Image

Meet Chad Allen, a business man living in the big city, who goes on this unexpected road trip to the small Mennonite town of Piney Meadows where he becomes stranded for the night when he runs out of gas and the gas station is already closed for the day. He is drawn to the church where he meets some nice people who want to help him. He gets offered a job and takes it on a whim, but he must learn how to deal with the Mennonite traditions and customs. Anna, literally the girl-next-door and coworker, tries to help him acclimate to his new town and its customs. As their friendship grows, Chad learns that Anna is not satisfied living in a small town for the rest of her life. She strongly desires to live in the big city and leave the peaceful, protected Piney Meadows. However, the two of them are falling in love. Will Anna choose to leave everything she has ever known and the love of her life who is choosing to stay in Piney Meadows or stay in the only home she’s ever known with a man she loves?

Sattler’s characters were very well written. I really admire the Mennonite community and want to go visit this quaint little town. Chad and Anna were such real characters with real dilemmas. Although, I found the pacing of the book to be quite slow, I guess it’s in line with the pace of living in a small town. I’m not saying that I couldn’t put the book down (because I was able to), but I did want to know the ending and that’s important. I was already a fan of Sattler, and this book is just another reason why.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone interested in reading about the Mennonite community and anyone interested in clean, Christian romance.

I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for a review. The opinions are my own.