
Read the first chapter of Critical Condition

So I just received Dr. Richard L. Mabry’s email newsletter, which contained the first chapter of his new book, Critical Condition. The release date is April 15th and I already can’t wait. It’s that good.

I have a soft spot for medical suspense since I’m currently studying for the MCAT and want to be a doctor. Mabry definitely knows how to grab your attention and make you feel like you’re right there with his characters.

If you’d like to read the sneak peak and/or sign up for his email newsletter, click here.


From Amazon:

Product Description
Dr. Frasier couldn’t save the gunshot victim on her front lawn. Now she’s fighting for her own life.

It began as a quiet dinner party honoring Dr. Shannon Frasier’s colleague, but became a nightmare when a man was shot on her lawn, reviving emotions from a similar episode a decade ago. Then a midnight call from her sister, Megan, causes Shannon to fear that her sister is on drugs again.

Her “almost-fiancé” Dr. Mark Gilbert’s support only adds to Shannon’s feelings of guilt, since she can’t bring herself to fully commit to him. She turns for help to her pastor-father, only to learn that he’s just been diagnosed with leukemia.

Shannon thought it couldn’t get any worse. Then the late-night, threatening phone calls begin, the rough voice asking, “What did he say before he died?”

With everything around her in a critical state, simply staying alive will require all the resources and focus Shannon has.

About the Author
A retired physician, Dr. Richard Mabry is the author of four critically acclaimed novels of medical suspense. His previous works have been finalists for the Carol Award and Romantic Times Reader’s Choice Award, and have won the Selah Award. He is a past Vice-President of American Christian Fiction Writers and a member of the International Thriller Writers. He and his wife live in North Texas.

Happy Chinese New Year!

Year of the Horse

Sorry I’ve been away for so long but I’ve made a commitment to blog at least once a month from now on. 🙂

In case you don’t already follow me, I’m usually pretty active on Instagram, although I’m taking a break from Facebook while I study for the MCAT. That’s right. I’ve started studying to retake the MCAT since my scores expired last year. It’s not easy but I know it’s gonna be alright. God’s got my back.

Since today is the first day of the new lunar year, I wanted to say thank you to all of my faithful followers and let you know a little of what I’ve been doing. This past few months, I’ve actually been reading a lot (go figure) but just didn’t have the time to review any books. I’ve also been crocheting  A LOT. (pictures to come)

There was a prophetic word at my church this year that I wanted to share:

1/5/14: Rachel Klinge: The word of the Lord would come to His church this morning saying, I desire to bring a fresh outpouring of my Spirit upon you. I desire to empower you afresh even today, not for another time or another year, but I desire to enable you even to walk out of sins and to walk out of your past. I am the Author of your life. The past will no longer dictate your future, says the Lord, because I will bring to you new open doors. I am the One that can even create a door where there is no door. I am the God that desires that you flourish in 2014, that you move into a newness and a freshness, and all the stagnation would be removed out of your life, says the Lord. I will take those things that have been trampled underfoot, and I have caused them to rise anew and afresh in my name, says the Lord…I see the Lord breaking down walls of animosity and hatred even. restoring relationships in 2014; even relationships that we have written off. God says, I am able to bring down walls for I am the God of peace and I am the God of reconciliation and even walls and barriers that have been there for decades I can destroy.

Love it. God is moving and opening DOORS. Yes.

Book reviews and crochet work pictures to come soon!

God bless you! Gung Hay Fat Choy! (Year of the Horse) 😉